Triton Trout is a 3 hectare hatchery located on the Goobragandra River just outside Tumut.
The fish benefit from the highly oxygenated water which is channelled through the farm and allows us to run the hatchery which supplies acclimatisation societies, private clientel and other trout farms. Salmon trout are the result of 20 years of selective breeding to produce what the market perceives as a superior product.
The feed is based on the diet of wild Scottish sea trout and is integral to giving the farmed fish the same delicate flavour of wild fish. Salmon trout (Salmo trutta) is the marketing name for sea-run brown trout which, like salmon, return to fresh water to breed. Tritons salmon trout are grown in fresh water, so the feed is of great importance in achieving that flavour.
Equally important is the water used on the farm. Tritons supply, Sandy Waterfall Creek, which originates in the Kosciusko National Park, is clean and pure mountain water which is oxygenated by a waterfall half a kilometre before the farm. The farms infrastructure is all gravity fed with the water constantly changing in the ponds and raceways.
The result is a distinctly flavoured fish with succulent pink flesh that is low in fat. Benefits also flow through to the outstanding trout roe marketed as Kosciusko Pearls. Kosciusko Pearls are premium quality brown trout roe for the discerning palate. Smaller than salmon roe but of similar radiant appearance they taste less salty then other commercial products. The caviar has a wonderful eggy flavour just cut with a salty underflavour and is perfect with other seafood, in hors d'oeuvres with eggs or as a garnish.